
BackblazeB2pricechanges:Egressisnowfreeandstoragepriceincreasingfrom$5/TBto$6/TBpermonth:r/selfhosted.,StoragePriceIncrease:EffectiveOctober3,2023,weareincreasingthemonthlypay-as-you-gostorageratefrom$5/TBto$6/TB.ThepriceofB2 ...,BackblazeB2isready-accesscloudstoragethatisincrediblyaffordable,cost-predictable,andhasnohiddenfees.Oursingle-tierpricing ...,起價:US$99.00...Pricing.arrow.B2CloudSt...

Backblaze B2 price changes

Backblaze B2 price changes: Egress is now free and storage price increasing from $5/TB to $6/TB per month : r/selfhosted.

Backblaze b2 is raising prices - Off Topic

Storage Price Increase: Effective October 3, 2023, we are increasing the monthly pay-as-you-go storage rate from $5/TB to $6/TB. The price of B2 ...

B2 Pricing

Backblaze B2 is ready-access cloud storage that is incredibly affordable, cost-predictable, and has no hidden fees. Our single-tier pricing ...

Computer Cloud Backup Pricing Comparison

起價:US$99.00 ... Pricing. arrow. B2 Cloud Storage. Always-hot at 1/5 the cost of AWS with 3x egress free · Computer Backup. Unlimited data protection, transparent pricing.

Cloud Storage Pricing Comparison

起價:US$6.00 B2 Reserve cloud storage cost calculator ; Backblaze B2 Logo Backblaze B2 Reserve. $360,000/yr ; Amazon Web Services S3 logo. $1,446,600/yr ; Microsoft Azure Logo. Try B2 Cloud Storage · Learn More · Pricing Organized by API

Low Cost, High Performance S3 Compatible Object Storage

起價:US$0.00 Backblaze B2 provides unlimited data storage in the cloud at 1/5th the cost of Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Powered By Backblaze · Backblaze Cloud Compliance · Try B2 Cloud Storage

Super confused about Backblaze B2 pricing

I've been using B2 for years. Your storage is gonna cost you about $6/TB/Month. You can count on it. There aren't any surprises or hidden fees.

B2 Transaction API Price

起價:US$0.00 Note: Backblaze supports unlimited data egress, including free egress up to 3x your monthly average storage, with any additional egress priced at $0.01/GB.

Backblaze Pricing [Unlimited, B2 & Business Plans]

Cost per Gigabyte of Data Stored. With Backblaze B2, you'll get 10GB of free data storage, then each gigabyte will cost you $0.005 per month.

According to Backblaze's calculator[0], it would cost ...

According to Backblaze's calculator[0], it would cost $4,800/yr to store 80TB on Backblaze B2 and you're storing it for $60/yr.